Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Middles School Orientation

As much as I want to run and hide under a pillow FOREVER from middle school, its' here!  I have to face the facts.  Doesn't mean I am not sad but WE CAN DO THIS! or more like we HAVE to do this!

Carter and I headed over to the middle school to register him and getting him acquainted with his locker.

Carter was quite bummed that he just wasn't tall enough to get an upper locker but quickly learned having the lower lockers made unlocking your locker just a tad bit easier!  Maybe next year!!

And success.....he got it on only the 2nd try!

This kid is ready, his mom NOT!

1 comment:

FMMPAPA said...

Great father. Great Son. Always do so well together.

Love you all.