Wednesday, January 26, 2011

January Blahs

Utah in January is not exactly where you want to be. Cold, dreary, smoggy, and did I mention COLD? I can't totally blame my January blues on Utah, it's just not my favorite month. However, it does seem to be zipping right along. I guess having 3 kids to chase around helps.

Carter is still doing basketball and has exactly two more Saturdays left. He then starts snowboarding lessons. He's pretty stoked about that. I think Glen is just as excited as he signed himself up to take lessons too. Hopefully no one gets too frustrated that they never want to see a ski hill again.
It's crazy to think that Carter will be 8 in just a couple weeks. I am getting a little emotional at the thought of him getting older. 8 is a big year. He can't wait to get his first suit. That is one thing he asks about every Sunday. We'll see how long that lasts after he actually gets it.
Glen brought home his Space Derby Car the other day for the big scouting event in March. Carter wanted to build it right that very minute!

Since Bess was 3, Bess has acted older then she really is. When she was three it was a little endearing but now we have an over-emotional, dying to be Selena Gomez nightmare on our hands!
She worries about things that no 5 year old should even care about, cries over someone looking at her a certain way, and sasses back like no ones business. Many times throughout the day I have to remind her to take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out. It does seem to help.
She had two of her girlfriends over today. They played a few games on the Internet, put on some makeup, and made up dances to Taylor Swift. These are the things that make her happy.
She actually is a great little mom to Maggie. Maybe "too great" at times.

Maggie. All I need to say is teething. Enough said!

So between no sleep, driving everyone everywhere, breaking up fights, and wiping tears I am still alive......barely! I am glad that I have friends and family that understand and relate. They make my job easier.
I have actually managed to get on the treadmill and wipe the dust of the P90X DVDs a few days. It's a good release. Now if there were only more hours in the day and not in the middle of the night, maybe I would actually accomplish more?!

I got my very first blog book in the mail the other day. It was the greatest feeling to finally have at least ONE book done. I decided to do it by year. So it's my 2006 book. Crazy huh? Lots of catching up to do.


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

This has been a crazy weather winter. The east coast and even the south have been smacked with cold and snow. We're having a mild winter and I enjoy walks just about every day in sunshine here in Colorado. Come move over here and I promise more clean sunshine. Ski boarding seems to be the "in thing" for young people these days. All of our kids replaced their use of skis with snow boards. It looks like you are managing a pretty hefty load. Can you image the money you'd make @$15.00 per hour? Susan just got her 2006 blog book back and it's really nice. I'm glad you are producing yours too. She's crazy about the process and has started her 2007 book.

Keep plugging along. Love you.


Anonymous said...

I think we all get those January blah's! I can't wait to see Carter in his new suit and for his big baptism day! Bess does seem older for her age, but Taylor Swift does really speak to 5 -year olds! That is awesome about the snowboarding! He'll probably be good at it right away. Sorry about Bess and teething - no fun! I'd love to get your information about where you made the blog book. Jen told me where she makes hers and the name went out of my head!

Anonymous said...

Not Bess and teething...MAGGIE and teething!


Maude said...

I can commiserate a bit. January has always been "cabin fever" month for me. I've never lived a place where January was not that "enough of winter already" kind of month. The good news: It's almost over! Sounds like you'll make it. :)
I'm really excited about Carter's baptism. He's been looking forward to it for the longest time - - -not just an afterthought for this young man!
How's the P90X working. I hear about it all the time, and have wondered if it's worth the investment. I'll have to quiz you further about it.
And the good things about kids is they'll be in a new stage next week. (Might be better, might be worse, but it will be different!)

Love you all very much.

Jess said...

Yep, real life :) Some days you just wonder what you really accomplished that day (at least I do).. The good thing is your kids look so happy. Ah, turning 8 is such a fun time! It really makes them seem so mature. How fun to plan his baptism. He will have a great day.

Bess sounds like my Tayler. She worries about EVERYTHING. Poor girl is going to have ulcers if she doesn't already.

Good job with the PX90.. do you like it? I was going to try it!

Jenny Moore said...

Congrats on getting your blog book done! That is awesome!!!

Maude said...

P. S. I forgot to mention how awesome I think it is that Glen and Carter and taking snowboard lessons together. That will be such fun for them! Did Glen enjoy BYU's win over San Diego last night? I thought of him!

Moore Family said...

Mom, I'll have to tell you how awesome those snowboard lessons are after my first day. I'm not a teenager and it hurts when I fall. I'm pretty sure Carter will do better than me.

BYU has a pretty exciting team this year. Jimmer Fredette is the man! Check out this link. It shows some of the outrageously LONG 3 pointers Fredette has hit this year.


Tyler and Jaimee said...

January really is blah!! Its no fun. I have been getting a little cabin fever as well. I actually only have left my house once in the last three days and that was to go to Walmart! ha. Luckily I have the internet and tv to live vicariously through.
I love that picture of your three kids looking at the computer. They are so cute! Maggie looks like shes pretty into it too!
It was fun going to lunch, we will have to plan it again sometime. Did you ever get that chandelier thing up?

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

You are awesome! Love ya lots.
