Monday, August 23, 2010

School is Cool

As Carter was getting ready for school this morning I had to keep reminding him just how great school is. No, actually he didn't fight me too bad. I think he had the first day jitters but nothing like last year.
I was remembering last year at this time calling my mother in law up bawling over how I was going to get this kid to go to first grade. It only took a couple of days and he had it down.

I am glad this year he seems a bit more excited about it.

I asked him what he thought of his teacher and he said, "She's nice, I really like her but they are always nice on the first day of school." True my friend, very true! No, we're actually very lucky to have such a well behaved young man.....and handsome if I say so myself.

Bess doesn't start until next Monday but she's very excited to start Kindergarten, even if there are 38 kids in her class! Oh the joys of being a parent. Always a battle somewhere!

Back to school Bash

We decided to go stay in Park City overnight before school started. We had a grand ol' time golfing (our hotel was right on the golf course) , swimming, and going on the Alpine Slide. We all had a blast and were very tired by the time we got home.


Jenny Moore said...

What a fun back to school weekend!!
Is Bess going to school this year? Does she start later?
Meg watched Diary of a Wimpy Kid on Friday and enjoyed it, she loves the books!!!

Jess said...

I think Park City is the perfect getaway spot. Still close, but so much fun.
It does look like you had a ball. I'm glad you put a picture of your baby too. I have been dying to see her again.

Carter does look very GQ in that picture. Glad it was easier this year.

Moore Family said...

Nice pictures and post Kendi but where are the pictures I took of you??


CB said...

Good luck to your kids with the new school year. It will be fun for you to spend some sweet time alone with that new little one! So fun!

Maude said...

Way to go, Carter! I really like your new haircut, too. You're a very good-looking young man! I'm sure you'll have an awesome year!

Park City looks way fun - - and I can't believe how the baby has grown and changed. It's unfair how quickly they grow, isn't it?

Love you all,


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

It's amazing to see how much Carter has matured. I see some of his Dad in him. He always looks great thanks to a doting mom. Hope his excitement about his teacher lasts a long time. He's at a great age!

Love, Mike/Dad

Anonymous said...

Carter is a little stud-muffin, if that's still a word for handsome boy! I love his insight about a teacher seeming nice on the first day. That's too bad that Bess has 38 kids in her class. I hope they can hire another teacher or an aide or something! Great idea to get away to Park City!



The Dorny Family said...

What a cute second grader you've got there. Jane starts on Monday. I hope we can get back into a routine after a crazy/fun summer.