Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Parties

For almost a year Bess has been talking about her next birthday. Not being the smartest mom, I told her she could have her real first birthday party for when she turned 5. Not the best year for me! So with a 4 week old in tow we tried to pull it off. She was happy and that's all that really matters!
Weeks before hand she told me she wanted a "ballet party." I wasn't quite sure what she meant by that but with the help of others we created a house full of 10 happy dancing girls.
We recruited a top-notch dancer to come and teach the girls 2 different dances. They loved Haley and thought she walked on water. I think they could have watched her dance the whole two hours.

After the girls had the dances down they had to get ready for their performance so we did some hair and makeup.

I asked Bess what kind of cake she wanted for her birthday. After I talked her out of the fancy penguin cake that she saw in Aunt Melecia's book she decided she would have her favorite pazookies instead.

The girls got new tutu's and special wands for their dance performance. They did marvelous!!!

Glen was out of town of town on Bess's birthday so we wanted to celebrate together and give her our gifts before he left. Somehow her birthday lasted a whole week!


John & Nancy Wellington Family said...

Looks like a fun party! I bet Hayley was awesome with those little girls. What a creative mind you have!

John & Nancy Wellington Family said...
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Jenny Moore said...

What a cute little girls birthday party!!
We love birthdays that keep on going and going and going!!! :)

Moore Family said...

Thanks for taking pictures Kendi. Those girls were so cute and Bess couldn't have been happier.


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

It truly looks like Bess was in heaven with her party. How great of you to put it all together (with some help). Children are a lot of work and you are making your efforts really count. We look forward to have the little ballerina dance for us when we come over.

Love, Mike/Dad

Anonymous said...

What a great idea for a birthday! Having a beautiful young dancer come and sweep the little ballerinas off their toes is a great idea! What is Bess's favorite dessert? Thanks again for getting Madison from the train feeding her, putting her up. and getting her to the airport! You've helped us out so much!


Maude said...

A perfect party for Bess, the dancer, and very cute invitation and ideas, Kendi. They all look totally involved and happy. Yes, Thanks so much for sharing the great photos. They're wonderful.

Love you all,

Paul and Joni said...

Happy birfday Bess. Looks like Carter secretly loved it too.

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

That looks like the perfect party for Bess! She looks so happy! That doesn't look like your house, but it does look like your chair. Where is that?

We are excited to see you!
