Monday, August 30, 2010

Kindergarten, here comes Bess

Today was THE day and from what I can gather it was successful.

As soon as we got up to the school (afternoon kindergarten) we were greeted by the worlds best big brother. He was so excited to see his sister and welcome her to his school. I think he will enjoy being the big man on campus to her.

Bess is also lucky enough to have some of her besties in her class. I have a feeling it's going to be a good year for her!


Maude said...

Awesome! Bess looks so happy, and raring to go. It's a bonus having a big brother AND friends to make things comfortable. I'm sure she'll have a great year.

Love you all,

Anonymous said...

She's looks so cute for her first day of school! and what a good big brother Carter is! Love them so much.

Aunt Megan

Jenny Moore said...

Bess looks very cute on her big day!
It's so cute that Carter was there to welcome her!!!

Moore Family said...

The night before Bess went to school, Carter said the family prayer. He asked that Bess would like her teacher and that she could make a lot of good friends at her new school. You can really tell how much he cares about his little sister.


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

That's really heartening to see Carter be a helper to Bess in her first year at the big school. It was great to see everybody at the baby blessing. Love is supreme in our family!

Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

This is a big milestone for everyone! I love her big smile and her sweet backpack! Love Carter's prayer too. I hope they enjoy their school year!



Moore fun in Colorado! said...

She looks so adorable and so grown up! I bet she is going to have a super fun year! Kindergarten is great!!