Tuesday, August 03, 2010

the Best BIG Sister

Today Bess turned 5. I am very sad to see my little girl grow up. I wish she could stay my cute little 3 year old forever, but it's not going to happen, so I guess we'll celebrate ALL week long and hope that this next year doesn't go as fast as the past the last 5 years have.
Happy Birthday Sis!


uncle steve said...

Happy Birthday Bess!

Jenny Moore said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Bess~ I love the pictures of you growing up! You are a big part of a wonderful family.

Maude said...

Awesome pictures of a cute, fun girl, Kendi. Happy Birthday, Bess. We love you and hope you had the best birthday ever!

Love you,
Gramma Berger

Anonymous said...

happy birthday bessie. love you so much
-uncle ryan

Anonymous said...

oh it makes me sad she is getting so old! love her so so much!

Jess said...

Hope she had a wonderful day! I can't believe she is already 5. How fun.

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Thanks for the beautiful memories portrayed by pictures. Change is forever constant. We love to watch that family grow.


Mike and Susan

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Bess is such a beautiful little girl. She is so sweet and loving too. We are glad you got to come over for the wedding! Come back soon.

CB said...

She is such a pretty little girl and she looks so happy!
Hope you are doing well with your new baby - so fun to have a new little one around. I bet Bess is just like a little mama!

Andy and Adrienne Bass said...

Happy Birthday to Bess! I love the pictures! You must be a photographer . . . Hope all is well with the new little one!