Tuesday, July 13, 2010

the Life of a One Week Old

We're all still adjusting to having a new baby in our house. Not alot is getting done, alot of tears are being shed, and tons of smiles being made.
I wish I could shrink wrap her and enjoy her tiny little toes and fingers, smells, and noises forever. However, I will gladly wish away these sleepless nights!
I have a saying in Carter's room that says: "Babies make days shorter, nights longer, and home happier." So very true!
Here's some pictures of our little miss!


Anonymous said...

oh how I love her! I'm glad I live so close so I can come and snuggle with her everyday :)


Anonymous said...

Carter - that is the best quote I ever heard about babies! They really do fill the home with the spirit. I love all the pictures of her, and hope you are getting a little rest. Love the bow in her hair!


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

She is so precious. Such a beautiful little baby girl.


Jenny Moore said...

such a sweetie!!
Does she have a name?!!! We haven't heard.

Jess said...

she is so cute. What fun to have a new little baby. The sleepness nights are hard with other kids, but they are so worth it.

Congratulations. Oh yeah, What is her name?

Laurel, Brian, Addison & Liam said...

What a perfect little girl Kendi. I am so excited for you. 6 weeks, that's the magic age. Hold on! :)

Does this little Miss have a name?!

Love to you all!

Tyler and Jaimee said...

She is sooo cute! It makes me realize how big Sophie is getting and it makes me sad! Shes adorable. Hope you are feeling good and everything is going well!

Lora Bonham said...

I can't look at these pics anymore...they are really making me baby hungry. I need to come borrow her for a couple of hours to get my fix.

Paul and Joni said...

Beautiful babies. Seriously Kendi. You make cute kids.


Cheri said...

Now there is a PRETTY baby! Thanks for the pictures. Just when you think she won't sleep through the night, she will! :)

porterpies said...

Such a beautiful baby! Congratulations! Maybe someday I can actually meet her.

amylouwhosews said...

so pretty! I ♥ newborns SO much! She is so precious. She makes my 10 week old look not like a newborn anymore.

Maude said...

She's beautiful, and I love her already! Can't wait to see her. Love the photo with her eyes open. She looks like she's checking everyone out. Carter and Bess look so proud of their little sister.

Love you all.

Ryan and Ali said...

She is so cute! I hope we get to meet her soon!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Another adorable baby for a wonderul family. Thanks for sharing all the pictures. Congratulations.

Love, Mike

Andy and Adrienne Bass said...

Kendi! She is beautiful! Oh my, how they grow so fast. We can hook her up with Will and have a double wedding with Tucker and Bess! Hope all is well and you aren't too sleepy. I wish I could come and help. For now though, just know I understand what you are going through. Congratulations and take care!


Anonymous said...

She's beautiful! I can't believe I've not met her yet! Hopefully soon!
