Monday, May 24, 2010

5 weeks and 6 days

....but who's counting? I am ready physically for this baby to be here but mentally is a whole other story.
I knew the month of May would fly by with all of the end of the year school stuff (and it's just getting crazier) but I am also realizing how much we still have left to do before we actually welcome this baby. Plus my kids are so EASY right now, what am I doing to myself? Real major stress here!

I finally took a picture of my kitchen, the part we have finished. We still have to pick out paint color/wallpaper, knock down the wall, and put in some new lighting ALL within the next 5 weeks (hint hint Glen). I love the way everything has turned out so far and I am really happy with all the decisions that we made. Making decisions is one of my major downfalls!
We've been a bit sidetracked as we (okay Glen, the slave behind these projects) have started some other projects, like kids bedrooms and such. As soon as those are complete I'll post pictures as well.


Moore fun in Colorado! said...

It looks so great! I love all your choices so much!! Way to go!

Hopefully the next 5 weeks and a few days will fly by and hopefully you will feel ready by then for baby!!

Love you,

Jenny Moore said...

Your kitchen looks beautiful!
Good luck your last 5 weeks!!! You'll be ready for her by then!!!

Maude said...

I've been waiting to see the changes, and they're worth the wait. I really, really like everything.

You'll be ready for the baby - - of course you will. And you know what? As long as that baby is loved (which she is), fed (yes), and get warm and dry (yes), she will care very little if "everything" is done. Don't sweat the small stuff, right?

Love you all much.

Gygi Family said...

That kitchen looks like it is from a MAGAZINE! LOVE IT!

Jess said...

Your kitchen looks great! I LOVE the white. Very nice choice.

And just think in 5 weeks you will have a beautiful little baby in your arms and it will be all worth it. Yep things do become a little more hectic again, but don't dwell on that, just dwell on the little squishy goodness you will get to cuddle and love.

The Dorny Family said...

Wow! Everything looks great so far. Are you actually knocking the wall down yourselves? Good luck tying up the last bits and pieces before baby arrives.

Anonymous said...

I really love your kitchen! Your whole home is peaceful and decorate SO cute! I'm excited to see the pictures of the new baby in a few short weeks! Sometimes taking out the clothes and the crib gets me in the mood!

Laurel, Brian, Addison & Liam said...

Could your kitchen look any more like it came from a magazine? Beautfiul! And that cake stand-jealous! I bought that set for my new sister in law thinking, "I'll come back and get my own." And when I did they were all out! Very creative use for it.

Love it. And yes, I do need to get up there before your baby comes. I'm a slacker. I was at Sarah's wedding, where were you?!

Cheri said...

Mentally ready?? I don't think I will ever get there! :) Your kitchen is to die for! I love it. It really does look like your pics belong in a magazine! I can't wait to see pictures of all the other projects you got going on!

Cheri said...

Mentally ready?? I don't think I will ever get there! :) Your kitchen is to die for! I love it. It really does look like your pics belong in a magazine! I can't wait to see pictures of all the other projects you got going on!

Anonymous said...

Where did you get that cake stand? Is it possible to order?

Joel said...

Wow, the kitchen looks great. Glen should do his own home improvement show.