Monday, April 12, 2010

Still Alive

I am now alive and doing well, but for a while there I felt like I was close to brushing with death. I have to admit I am not the best pregnant person in the world. On the whole, I think being pregnant is miserable and feel bad for anyone that has to live with me through it all. I will apologize to them now!

The week before we left for California I got a cold, but not just a regular cold. Oh no, this was something that went into my lungs and had me feeling like complete crap. I saw a doctor the day before we left and he ran some blood tests to make sure everything was okay. He promised that California air would clear most of it up and that he would call me in 48 hours with the results.
The next morning we landed on the runway in California with a message from him telling me that I needed to be on some meds. Oh I loved that doctor!

I felt better for a good week until it all returned and had me in tears. More meds. later and things are looking up however I may still talk like a man until I have this baby!

We really did have a great time on our trip. While I wish I had more time to write down each experience, pictures will just have to do for now.

Bess was very much into the characters this time.

Although Glen looks really happy in this picture, inside he was wanting to scream because he just spent $15 on ice cream!

Carter discovered his new favorite ride, Autopia! They let the kids drive themselves. I think we went on that thing 5 times. He's pretty sure he now has his drivers license. I took my chances on this ride, as it stated that pregnant women should not ride on this ride. I made sure Glen drove with Bess (whom might be a bit jerkier of a driver) and they drove behind us so they didn't bump us.

We split up one morning on our early morning pass so that the kids could do whatever rides they wanted before the lines got crazy. Bess I had did about 10 rides in a hour. We had fun! I loved seeing her little face light up as she picked which one we would go on next.

Glen got lucky this time around because Carter was a great buddy to go on all the scary rides with. Bess now has two favorite rides, Splash Mountain and Thunder Mountain Railroad. I don't think there was a ride we missed out on this year!

Carter's best little buddy moved to L.A. last August. They met us at disneyland one day and we had a blast with them.

Our first two nights/days were spent at Laguna Beach. I don't have very many pictures from our time there. The weather wasn't the best but we still had a great time. Our favorite thing about going there is exploring the tide pools. This time we found a little octopus. Glen and Carter even attempted to pick it up.
We won't talk about our flight home, at least not yet, let's just say it would ruin how great of a time we had. All I can say is it's a good thing for a camera to entertain your children in the airport for 13 hours!


CB said...

OK 13 hours in the airport for a flight home from LA - that must be a nightmare story.

So sorry you are feeling so sick Kendi - I just feel bad for you. I am glad the doc could give you a little something something so at least you could enjoy your trip.

I love all your Disney pictures - Disney is THE BEST!!! And yes, unfortunately the ice cream does cost an arm and a leg but it tastes better right? ha ha

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

It's good to hear from you again. We were much aware of your sickness. Many here in Colorado and all of our family members got the mean virus requiring antibiotics; it was the worst ever. We hope yours clears up soon. It looks like your trip was a mixed bag and fun and misery. How lucky the children are to have such fun experiences. We hope you feel well enough to come out for the Bolder=Boulder againt this year and to be at Eric's graduation. With Joel's wedding it will be a busy family summer.

Love you, Mike/Dad

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Cute pictures. California is always so much fun! Sorry you've been so sick, but I'm glad you are starting to feel well again.

Love you,

Jess said...

I am so sorry that you have been so sick. That is no fun at all. When is your due date again? It will all be worth it in the end :)

The pictures are darling. It looks like the kids had a blast and that is really all that matters. I can't imagine being in an airport for 13 hours. UGH. Good thing it was on the way home and not the way there. But still, that stinks! Take care.

Anonymous said...

I would have been ready to punch something after 13 hours in the airport. So sorry about that, and that you've been so sick. Having Bronchitis for over a month is bad! The disney pics are great, and I look forward to my first car ride with Carter driving - get ready Carter! It was so great to see you guys over Easter. We loved it!

Maude said...

I've been darn concerned about you - - -and afraid the junk was going to become pneumonia, so am so glad you're starting to feel better. Love the pictures. You can just tell from the expressions on her face that Bess is really loving the Disneyland thing. Wonderful memories, I'm sure. Thanks for the neat photos. They're so cute and fun.



Tyler and Jaimee said...

That flu you had does not sound fun! What a trooper you are to still walk around Disney land with your kids. It looks like they had alot of fun, those are the things they will remember forever!

I'm glad you are finally feeling better! We need to meet up soon. I have never seen you pregnant before I bet you look so cute :)

The Dorny Family said...

Oh, I have to talk to you. Are you OK? I'm jealous about the trip, but not the travel.

Andy and Adrienne Bass said...

First off, so sorry you are so sick! Pregnant AND sick is like adding insult to injury. Pregnancy is hard enough. On that note: CONGRATS ON THE GIRL!!! When you commented on the Moore/Bass marriage, I knew I had not been reading your blog like I should (or anyone else's for that matter). Time flies when you are crazy! Anyway, your kids are cute and I miss you! Hope you feel better soon. Pregnancy does end eventually!