Monday, January 19, 2009


This afternoon Carter had his friend, Jaxson, over to play.
The boys were on the PlayStation while Bess and I were playing a board game. I needed to run upstairs and take the cookies out of the oven.
While I was upstairs I overheard the following conversation.

Bess: " Jaxson, Jaxson, are you going poop or pee?"

Jaxson: (obviously in the bathroom at the time, so I couldn't hear his response)

Bess: "well make sure you wipe good, okay."

I was chuckling out loud. Poor Carter is really in for some major embarrassment with his little sister around. She'll keep him
and his friends in line (and clean) that's for sure!


Anonymous said...

That's funny- Bess being the mom to Carter's older friend! I like the glasses too! Did she make sure he washed his hands?

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Wow, I'm impressed that you were playing a board game with Bess while cookies were baking in the oven. You are such a good mommy! Don't ever forget that!

Bess looks pretty silly in those glasses. I, too, hope Jaxson washed his hands!!


Paul and Joni said...


The Little's said...

That's funny. Girls.... so nosy!!
Did she get mad at you once you got in the car?

CB said...

That is so funny!

He's in for it with a lil sister who tells it like it is!