The day after Maggie's birthday we headed north to spend some quality time with Glen's brothers and sister (minus Joel & Erin :( ).
We love to see everyone and it never seems like it happens very often with everyone all over the place, so we really look forward to the time we do get to spend together.
I have to say that Bess was in heaven with all her girl cousins. There is a plethora of them! Only 3 boys out of all 13 grandchildren are boys. But Carter still managed to fit in quite well. He spent much time on the boat, trying to fish, spending time in the hot tub, and playing card games.

We can't forget all the eating that took place along with s'mores making.

We spent one evening playing the game Minute to Win It. Joni and Paul were so awesome and put together the whole thing. My kids thought it was the best thing ever. They came home and wrote in their journals about the reunion and one of the things they both kept talking about is this game. Funny what things really stick in kids minds!

We were sad to have the reunion over and back to normal life. It helped that Madison came home with us. We love having this college girl close(r) by. We look forward to her short and sweet visits!
I don't know about everyone else but we are all ready to start planning another get together SOON!
Those pictures are so nice; it looks like they came out of a professional photography book. It looks like everyone had a fabulous time.
Love you much, Dad
Awesome! I'm glad you didn't all blog at once, because I just keep re-living all the fun times as each blog appears. Each of you got great pictures. Can't wait to get them all consolidated so I can enjoy them all. Thanks for all the great photos, everyone. I really appreciate them - - -and appreciate the efforts you all made to make it a special time.
Love you all.
Those really are some great pictures! Looks like everyone had a really fun time.
These are great pictures! Thanks for sharing and reliving the happy memories! It was a fantastic time!
Those are great pictures Kendi!
It was so fun to be together!!!
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