We now have a scout in our house. It's so fun! & makes me feel a bit old. I remember when Carter was about 1, I was called to be the den leader to the new Bobcats......NOW I have a Bobcat. Where does time go?
Glen and Carter got their box kit to make their car at the beginning of January. They worked on it the day they got it. Those two are so much alike. Once they set their minds to getting a project done, it has to be done that second. They had a blast making it and were really looking forward to racing it.
Instead of derby cars this year they took a different spin on things and did space vehicles.

I adore Cub Scouts! With all the Moore boys, I was a Den Mother forever, but it was such fun. I think Cub Scouts and boys are made for each other! Congratulations, Carter and Glen, on the neat space car. Good looking car! I'm sure you both enjoyed every minute of the experience, from opening the kit to the very end!
Happy Easter.
Love you all.
P. S. Thanks for the photos, Kendi. Love the two happy faces in that first one! Was Glen's finger a casulty of the drill or ???
Very fun! I know Carter is going to do great in scouts! I feel a slight bit guilty saying i'm so glad we have one boy and he is all done with scouts. We will look forward to seeing more from Carter!
A space derby looks fun!!!
Great job Carter and Glen!!!
I love that picture of Glen and Carter concentrating on the space craft. They are indeed quite a pair. What fun it is to be able to participate in their growth and development. Dedicated parents make great children.
Love You.
Carter called his "The Thriller". I'm sure the fact that we were listening to Michael Jackson earlier that day had some influence. The Thriller didn't disappoint and there was plenty of trash talking, mostly between dads.
Look forward to the pinewood derby cars. The planes break too easy. Yes Mom, I cut my finger trying to fit it. Good eye.
In all the years we have done Cub Scouts we only had a Space Derby one year and I thought it was super cool!
Our Pinewood Derby is tonight!
Scouts is such a fun thing :-D
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